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descriptionAshampoo AntiSpyWare 2.01 EmptyAshampoo AntiSpyWare 2.01


Ashampoo AntiSpyWare 2.01 Ashampoo_AntiSpyWare_1

وفر لك هذا البرنامج الحماية والمقاوم لبرامج التجسس من ما يزيد عن 359000 من التهديدات الأمنية. فهو يقدم الحماية المستمرة للكمبيوتر. ويعمل البرنامج في الخلفية حيث يقوم بفحص كل ملف محل شك قبل فتحه مما يمنع احتمال تثبيت أي تروجان على الكمبيوتر. ويقوم نظام التحليل والبحث المتقدم بالتعرف على أي خطر مجهول ومنعه قبل أن يسبب أي تدمير في الجهاز

Ashampoo AntiSpyWare description
Protect your privacy against spyware, trojans, worms and many more!
Ashampoo AntiSpyWare can monitor and protect your computer continuously. A little background program checks every suspicious file for potential hazards before it is opened, making it impossible for Trojans to install themselves on your computer.

Ashampoo AntiSpyWare is a brand-new tool. Building on existing solutions combined with intelligent new strategies and algorithms it provides exceptional protection against spyware and other malware.

Its advanced heuristic search and analysis system can actually identify and block new and unknown threats before they can do any damage.

Ashampoo AntiSpyWare will even identify the presence of highly-dangerous \"rootkits\" on your computer. These are a new breed of malware that install code with administrator rights deep in the operating system.

This code makes the malware completely invisible to Windows, and thus also to applications like virus scanners. Because of this, virus scanners and anti-spyware tools are
normally powerless against rootkits.

Ashampoo AntiSpyWare protects you against much more than 760,000 security threats!

Here are some key features of \"Ashampoo AntiSpyWare\":

· Comprehensive protection: Protects you against hijackers, dialer, spyware, worms, adware, Trojans, key loggers and even rootkits.
· Set it once and forget it: Activate AntiSpyware Guard and automatic updates and you can lean back and relax relishing in the feeling that you have 24-hour protection.
· Daily signature updates: Maximum protection against new threats by daily –virus-signature updates.
· Protection against as-yet unknown threats: Unknown threats can be identified and blocked due to their behaviour and with the aid of sophisticated heuristic-analysis algorithms.
· Quarantine: Move files into quarantine when you are not sure whether you really want to delete these files. Files in quarantine are without any risk.
· Rootkit Detector: Detects and eliminates dangerous \"rootkits\".
· AutoStart Manager: Identifies and disables unwanted auto-starting programs.
· System Process Monitor: Monitors all system processes and disables them as necessary.
· Internet Cleaner: Cleans up all tracks from your internet activities.
· File Wiper: Erases files and folders permanently so they cannot be recovered.
· IP Spam Blocker: Pop up protection against annoying ads on your desktop.


· Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later.
· Disk Space Requirements: 30 MB for the installation of the program files plus some additional disk space for quarantined files.
· An internet connection to receive signature updates

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