'Sometimes The World Is Blue'  4291895840_b0c11fc69c

'Sometimes The World Is Blue'

There are days where you're at home,
but we think the world has only one color. But when the night has
come.. if it has started a new day, then one finds that one has only
fooled again. What we also want to keep, it´s possible and not for long.
Everything is transitory, but what is happening in the world it spins
just keeps getting farther and farther, without asking us whether we
like it or not. Still, going over and over again to the sun, comes a new
day. Instead of complaining or grumbling, complaining about the weather
or the tasks that lie before a, we can easily see everything as a gift
to us, gratefully accept each new day and make something useful, each
new day with joy, our live life

'Sometimes The World Is Blue'  %27%27%27